miércoles, 22 de enero de 2014

Coming home

I was this afternoon at your grandmother's house, your home.

We were talking about you, obviously, and cheeses, politics, park Fuente el Sol in the past,   the problem of bank account (we won´t pay) and the family meal to be made when you return.

I left the book about manipulation to consumers on your shelves.

 your room was unpolluted

 I would like to undo your bed...

                                                    ... with you

and a salad and a cheeses omelet, 
and to sleep.


"Coming home for tomorrow from my dreams of yesterday"

3 comentarios:

  1. I was this afternoon at your grandmother's, your home.

    (...) the problem with the bank account

    a cheese ommelette

    curiosidad: to go to sleep no significa irse a dormir a la cama, como en español. Significa dormirse. Nuestra profesora cuando veía que alguien se dormía decía: fulanito, don't go to sleep y nos partíamos el culo.
    Irse a la cama es, obviously, to go to bed

  2. ya me ha tenido que cambiar el puto edredón! con lo que me gusta el negro!

  3. pero cómo puedo distinguir tortilla de queso y de quesoS? porque llevaba varios...

    ¿qué le ha pasado al edredón? ¿os limpian las habitaciones o q?
